Quality Training that WORKS!
How we can help!
We listen, coach, and communicate with you and your dog.
We accomplish our client’s goals through experienced, professional, and compassionate coaching. This leads to success for you and your dog.
Our team has extensive experience in puppy and basic manners training, dog/dog aggression, fear-based aggression, dog/human aggression, and trick training. Our trainers consistently improve through continuing eductation sources of books, webinars, conferences, and seminars on the latest information in our industry.
We offer group classes and private training. Click the below buttons to find out more!
Does your dog lunge, bark and/or growl
at other dogs?
We offer a unique, specialized behavior modification program designed to address reactivity toward other dogs! Our program will:
- Provide your dog the opportunity to feel safe while learning a new response to experiencing other dogs.
- Your dog will learn new choices and how tobehave while in a variety of situations.
- Teach you how to handle your dog when you see other dogs on leash.
- Translate the SCOM session skills and information to real world experiences.
Click the button below for more information and to sign up for a consultation today!
Does your dog bark endlessly at people or activity out the windows? Or have other behaviors you just cannot resolve?
We have specialized programs to address reactive behaviors. Our program is tailored to overcome these challenging behaviors. Our program will:
- Teach you and your dog a successful ways to handle triggers.
- Eliminate unwanted behaviors and replace them with desired responses.
- Provide tools and management during training to prevent unwanted behaviors.
Check out our Private Training page and scroll down to the Behavior Modification sections for more information.
Private Training and Group Classes:
Monday – Thursday
11am – 8pm
11am – 5:30pm
Saturday by Appointment ONLY!
NOTE: All private training and classes are by appointment/registration only.
No walk-in appointments are available.
All group classes and private training sessions are offered at our training facility located at 5155 Northland Drive, Grand Rapids unless otherwise specified by our training staff.